Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This is cool!

Hey guys,
It's true!
You can get 3 FREE copies of Mike Filsaime's MDC Monthly.
Best Internet Marketing Newsletter Click Here
Mike Filsaime is using a new way to spread the word.
He is not asking for any tell a friend of even an OPT-IN
He is experimenting with a new type of Social Viral Marketing that appears to
get him backlinks to his site just for sharing the word.
Best Internet Marketing Newsletter Click Here
This seems to be the truest form of Viral marketing I have seen yet. It uses
social media and blogs to get the "news" out about something rather than
Tell-A-Friends etc.
But the main thing I want to share with you is that you can get 3 Kick-Butt
copies of his latest newsletter and you don't have to pay $89.00 to get it.
Just click the link below and it is yours Free!
Best Internet Marketing Newsletter Click Here
P.S. - Even if you THINK you are not interested in his newsletters (Which are
pretty good from what I see) I suggest you give it a shot for 2 reasons. 1- You
may be surprised at the quality. And 2- Wait until you see how he is trying this
new viral marketing.

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